The symbolic imagery:
Gregory works at his desk, surrounded by books, music and instruments. A portrait of him leans against his seat.
Two school boys peer in and a Roman aqueduct is in the distance. A dove sits at his shoulder and amused angels
look down from behind the banner: Gregorius
On the stone wall are symbols of knowledge, Great Britain, the West Indies, a trowel, the papacy, and the legend:
Servus Servorum Dei.
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To learn about Gregory and/or view the scroll that comes with this piece,
click here.
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Gregory the Great
Feast Day: September 3
Patron of
Invoked Against .Gout .Plague .Fever
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Actual size: 5½" x 7½"
x ¾" thick
The image at left is of a finished,
mounted piece.
Click on it to view the details.
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Our AnachronsTM are now available in 4 sizes.
If you'd like to order something larger than the "Classic" 5½ x 7½ inches
Click for details.
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